Some Would Say – 001

Welcome to the first episode! It is actually like the sixth episode…but those others will probably never see the light of day! I’m (M) lazy so minimal editing is done on this. We have a theme that I didn’t bother to use! Look…I just want to get this up because once it is up, this becomes a thing. I will put more effort into the next one…I promise. Stick it out! The frequency of this is yet to be determined. Deal with it. Sound is probably bad…this isn’t a class operation. Recorded with my Note 3. Enjoy our discussion of current events from a month or so ago! Alcohol was involved. Follow us on Twitter:
Some Would Say – 001
(Right click and save link as…or something…left clicking will probably play it in your browser.)
Also, if we offended you…well…you know what to do (refer to our discussion of “butthurt”).
